Would I be suitable for Invisalign and would I need teeth pulled?

I have relatively, in my opinion, relatively straight teeth and have always looked after them, as a result i have no issues with gum disease/bleeding when i brush etc (I was told tis was vital when getting braces). The only problem are my protruding two front buck teeth. Given the circumstances of no more space, could my two font teeth be pushed back with invisalign? Or would I have to pull teeth out to create space, secondly to this would it be harder for me to clean my teeth, making me more likely to get a gum disease or something? tah
It sound like any brace would be suitable including Invisalign. Whether you need any teeth taken out is dependent on the amount of crowding. If you say your teeth are relatively straight then it sounds like you should not need any teeth removed. This would be determined at your consultation appointment with a Specialist. I suggest you get this done next so you know exactly what options are available to you.
Good luck

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