Posts tagged “fixed braces”

I don’t understand why lingual braces are better than traditional ones?

November 28th, 2011

Hi there, I don’t get the reason behind why some people choose to get lingual braces instead of the normal traditional ones. Braces don’t look that bad and when people get lingual braces they tend to start talking funny and they are probably harder to brush as all the brackets are behind the teeth and you can’t see them. Also wouldn’t they hurt more than normal braces? Or is there some hidden benefits that I don’t know about

I want braces but not traditional train tracks to fix my mildly crooked teeth, what do I get?

November 28th, 2011

hello I am thinking of having braces and have looked through this website for alternatives to the old fashioned metal braces. I do not want these as Id rather have crooked teeth, they are horrible clumpy things! what I cannot do well on here though is compare my favourites side by side (any website in general) what I would do therefore is ask your opinion. in correcting crooked bottom (they aren’t massively crossed which is why I have had the luxury of taking my time thinking about having them done) teeth what what would you say was the best orthodontic treatment to fix them without getting traditional fixed braces? cheers

Will a brace affect me playing my saxophone at University?

November 28th, 2011

Hello, I’m at Birmingham University and am currently in my third year, studying BMus Music. obviously the year only started at the end of September and so the course hasn’t ran any great length of time. Now my dentist/orthodontist has told me I am going to need braces which has terrified me. of this I have two questions, firstly, do you think/have you heard cases whereby braces could affect a person playing an instrument such as a saxophone? and secondly, if the answer is yes do you think it will make a difference if I got lingual braces instead of traditional ones? I thought it might do as I’ll be able to move the embouchure more freely? please could you help me I don’t want this to affect UNI.

I had a relapse after traditional braces and am looking to rectify it, what’s the deal with lingual braces?

November 28th, 2011

hello I have looked online at potential/common side effects of lingual braces and wondered if there was any truth in them. does a lingual brace (behind the the teeth?) actually affect your speech? and apparently it can give your tongue issues with room? if it does how would you over come this? also how does the lingual brace affect your food? will it be any different to a traditional brace? i had one of them (fixed brace on the front of my teeth) years ago but have since relapsed back to almost to where I was at the beginning of my treatment but I don’t want to have to have them again as they were absolute hell I looked silly and hated them, and am looking to alternative treatments. cheers

Could you give me a rough idea how much lingual braces would cost?

October 19th, 2011

Hello, I am currently living in Brazil and been told off my dentist that I am in need of braces, I don’t mind about having braces I just dot want the to be visible. My mom said that she would think about getting my linguals if I could find the price online, but I cant. Is there any chance you could give me a idea please?

How much time does it take for Six Month Smiles and the Inman Aligner to straighten teeth?

October 17th, 2011

I have got very crooked teeth at the front of my mouth and have talked to many people on forums and the like, but none of them are experts. I have been looking to fix these but using an alternative method to traditional braces. I have looked at the inman aligner and have been told on many occasion that it is one of the fastest treatments to sort out crooked teeth, would you say that this is the case? ad also could you tell me about them? I wanted to know, if they are fast how fast is fast because you can get this six month smile treatment which is obviously really quick. If the inmans are quick how do they work and how much do they cost and how do they work? I know this seems like a lot but thankyou in advance, I just want to gather as much information/feedback as I can before making a decision , thankyou.

How well do Lingual Braces work when compared with traditional braces?

October 14th, 2011

Hi, I don’t fully understand lingual braces? with a traditional set of braces I can see how the wire pulls across teeth in order to straighten them and despite not liking them to much aesthetically In would be comfortable having them as I know about them. they say fear is of the unknown as such I would like to know how they would pull teeth part without damaging them? I have crooked teeth and was looking for alternatives to traditional braces would I be better off looking at inmans or damons? issue with both of them is that you can see them! how does the lingual work and would you say that is the best option?

Would lingual braces be a good idea for me?

September 5th, 2011

I really want to straighten my teeth, they aren’t that bad now but I really want them to be perfectly straight. however I don’t want the traditional braces and to be a brace face. so that leaves me to ask are lingual braces a good option? how much do they cost? what are my other options if not? thanks