How well do Lingual Braces work when compared with traditional braces?

Hi, I don’t fully understand lingual braces? with a traditional set of braces I can see how the wire pulls across teeth in order to straighten them and despite not liking them to much aesthetically In would be comfortable having them as I know about them. they say fear is of the unknown as such I would like to know how they would pull teeth part without damaging them? I have crooked teeth and was looking for alternatives to traditional braces would I be better off looking at inmans or damons? issue with both of them is that you can see them! how does the lingual work and would you say that is the best option?
Lingual appliances work in EXACTLY the same way except the forces are generated from the inside (push) rather than outside (Pull). It is the WIRES that do all the work. You can therefore expect the same end result if they are suitable for you.

At the moment they account for 60% of my workload, so lots of patient’s are wearing them, you just don’t know about it!

I suggest you get a consultation form a Specialist Orthodontist which is experienced in Lingual appliances as to your suitability. They will also give you any other options that may be suitable for you to consider e.g Damon.

Hope that helps and Good luck!

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