I have wonky teeth, but at 16 in full time education why do I have to pay £1900?

My teeth at the bottom and the top are wonky. When I went to an orthodontist he had said Braces would cost £1900, even though im 16 years old and still in full time education. He had also said that it was classed as cosmetic surgery, even though I had been promised braces to help this problem when I was 9. My wisdom teeth have started growing and there isnt enough room, which is pushing my teeth and making them more wonky. Is there any other procedures that could help my teeth straighten out without high costs?
Braces are the only way of aligning your wonky teeth. It may be that you did not qualify for treatment under the NHS, which is why they have suggested this cost for the orthodontic treatment. Why dont you go and get a second opinion at another orthodontic practice to see if you could qualify for NHS treatment. What have you go to lose!

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