Would Lingual braces treatment work for me?

Hi I am currently enrolled into drama school, I am due to start in 2 weeks. My top row of teeth (particularly the canines) protrude quite significantly and I feel this will hinder my career as an actor. I am looking into receiving braces that will have the bare minimum impact upon my speech (for obvious reasons). What are your thoughts on lingual braces treating a case like mine? How long on average does treatment take and would they affect my speech for long? Thank you in advance.
Lingual braces can be a great option and will impact a little on speech at the beginning. This is the same for any brace, however this should improve with time. How long is dependent on what needs doing and unil you have a consultation it is difficult to day. It can range from 6 months to 2 years!
Go and get a few consultations and see what is available.
Good luck

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