Archives for October, 2011

Will potential gum disease affect my chances of getting a lingual brace?

October 21st, 2011

Hi Dr Patel, I Have really badly crossed lower teeth and my upper teeth have started overlapping slightly, I don’t want traditional braces to fix these and have looked at lingual braces, the issue is I think I may have mild gum disease? my gum is slightly red and sensitive to knocks (catching with the a toothbrush usually results in bleeding) but only at the front of my mouth? would this stop me getting lingual braces, i’m thinking about issues with brushing etc.? and if so how do I combat it so I can then move on to actually having them straightened? any feedback would be great, thanks.

Could you give me a rough idea how much lingual braces would cost?

October 19th, 2011

Hello, I am currently living in Brazil and been told off my dentist that I am in need of braces, I don’t mind about having braces I just dot want the to be visible. My mom said that she would think about getting my linguals if I could find the price online, but I cant. Is there any chance you could give me a idea please?

Do I need retainers after Invisalign treatment?

October 17th, 2011

I have just finished a course of invisalign aligners and am chuffed to bits, the removable nature of them ment that i could go on the occasional night out/meal with out them as well as take them out to wash my teeth. brilliant stuff. however, I literally finished last week and the dentist just sort of went, OK thats fine, brill. he took photos for his case study as he’s only just started offering the treatment. as a result however im left a bit worried. I just had this thought, if my teeth grew to be in that position albeit the wrong one then whats to stop me having a relapse hes said nothing (after doing a bit of research myself) of a retainer or anything? do i need one after invisalign all the examples i found were after traditional braces. The ting is if I do need one I dontparticularly want to be constantly taking this thing in/out it’ll be just like continuing my treatment for the rest of my life! are there alternatives to retainers? and also if there are not how long do i have to wear the retainer is it ‘for life?’

How much time does it take for Six Month Smiles and the Inman Aligner to straighten teeth?

October 17th, 2011

I have got very crooked teeth at the front of my mouth and have talked to many people on forums and the like, but none of them are experts. I have been looking to fix these but using an alternative method to traditional braces. I have looked at the inman aligner and have been told on many occasion that it is one of the fastest treatments to sort out crooked teeth, would you say that this is the case? ad also could you tell me about them? I wanted to know, if they are fast how fast is fast because you can get this six month smile treatment which is obviously really quick. If the inmans are quick how do they work and how much do they cost and how do they work? I know this seems like a lot but thankyou in advance, I just want to gather as much information/feedback as I can before making a decision , thankyou.

How well do Lingual Braces work when compared with traditional braces?

October 14th, 2011

Hi, I don’t fully understand lingual braces? with a traditional set of braces I can see how the wire pulls across teeth in order to straighten them and despite not liking them to much aesthetically In would be comfortable having them as I know about them. they say fear is of the unknown as such I would like to know how they would pull teeth part without damaging them? I have crooked teeth and was looking for alternatives to traditional braces would I be better off looking at inmans or damons? issue with both of them is that you can see them! how does the lingual work and would you say that is the best option?

I have baby teeth and want implants and braces, advice?

October 6th, 2011

I am 24 years old and I have about 4 baby teeth still in my mouth. They are the fangy teeth. One of the baby teeth have fallen out recently however, which has left an ridiculous looking gap in my smile as the adult tooth was behind it and cannot be seen. The other 3 teeth have the adult teeth behind them. I am wondering what I can do about this. I also have an overbite. Do I qualify for lingual braces? invisalign? would I need surgery for this matter? Could I get implants? Please advise. I appreciate it.