Can I choose the fitting for the social six treatment and will I need to have a tooth out?

Hi I want the social six treatment for the obvious reasons that my teeth are largely fine just the ones at the front are crooked. I want to know one or two things first though. firstly is, do i have to have the one brace like fitting or can I choose to have another type of fitting like the ingognito? and secondly no matter which I use, will I have to have a tooth extracted? thanks

Social 6 treatment can either be used to refer to a type of bracket system or short-term orthodontics. In many practices you can choose from several systems, even Incognito, if they are suitable for you, but of course the price is likely to differ.
As to whether you will require extraction of a tooth, it is impossible to tell without seeing your teeth, but as a side note, if teeth do have to be removed often treatment time is extended.

I hope this has helped a bit,

Saba Qureshi
(Specialist Orthodontist Sparkle Dental Boutique)

dr saba qureshi

Saba Qureshi

311 Boston Road Hanwell London W7 2AT
Web: Tel: 020 8567 4344

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