Posts tagged “Root canal treatment”

Will any of the past dental work I’ve had affect my suitability for lingual braces?

November 22nd, 2012

I am in a bit of confusion over my teeth. I have had a lot of treatments to my teeth in the past and was wondering if this woud stop me getting lingual braces in anyway. I had root canal treatment done on two teeth on the right hand side of my mouth on the bottom set of teeth. I have had these filled along with t double tooth on the top right, I am 30 now but when I was seventeen I had treatment to cure an over shot as my bottom teeth extruded farther than my top and were overlapped. I didnt keep to my retainer though so my teeth are now crooked. this is my fault and i want to put it right. Is there any reasons from what you can read here that would stop me having a brace behind my teeth? thank you