I am really pleased with my brace. Could you tell me about tooth whitening afterwards though?

Hello Mr Darsh Patel, I have been wearing the damon brace for five months now. I have the tooth coloured ones which do look really discreet. I am really happy with them and my dentists work with them, I had them fitted in one session only 10 days after an initial appointment/assessment (would have been sooner but he wanted to make sure my mouth was in the best possible condition). I honestly cant gush enough I’m really happy with how it’s all turned out and I’m sick of horror/sob stories so I thought it worth a mention that these things work well! I just want to know about what happens after- I know I will have to have a retainer and am having a wire? but its the tooth whitening I was concerned with, will that be of extra cost or do you think it will be included because I’m worried my teeth will look more yellow when finished? thank you sir
Its great to hear someone say they are pleased with the how their treatment has gone so far on this forum!
Tooth whitening is something that should be done at the end to really make everything look super nice!
If it has been included into your treament, then you should have it somewhere in your documentation, otherwise its unlikely to be included.
Teeth can get a slight yellowish tint but this is usually only superficial staining which will go away once braces are removed and you can brush better.

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